Metrobank Account Holder:
You can purchase up to the amount of your pledged funds in your MetrobankDirect Account plus your available funds in First Metro Securities. For purchases exceeding your fund with FMSBC, your MetrobankDirect Account will be debited three trading days after the purchase.
Non-Metrobank Account Holder:
You can purchase up to the amount of funds in First Metro Securities.
You may download the Request for Withdrawal of Funds form from the website. Completely fill-out the details in the form.
Only the cleared balance can be withdrawn. The cleared balance is the amount of cash with FMSBC which has not been used within 3 trading days (current Cash Balance less selling transactions, if any.)
Cut Off Time to request for the withdrawal of funds is 12noon:
For Metrobank Account holders: Autocredit to Metrobank account will be processed the following day.
For non-Metrobank account holders: Checks will be deposited after two business days.
Note: If the cleared balance is less than the desired amount, the cleared balance will be used for the auto-credit/withdrawal. Any non-Metrobank deposit fees will be deducted from the account. Please fax completely filled up request form to 859-0699 or email a scanned copy with signature to [email protected].